Monday, April 16, 2012


These are the best two apps ever!i willl tell you more about them later!
Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't been posting lately but I have been REALLY busy!I have had Dance 3 nights a week! And J-crew in the mornings and afternoons! I have just finished MAP testing! That was fun! I have been with friends alot! During spring break i think i was only home one day out of the whole week! I have been recording new shows!And spring is almost over so you know what that means!SUMMER!!!! i am soooo excited! I well be starting swim! i might go to a church camp with one of my friends! And hang out with my friend a little more! Okay for christmas my mom got NASCAR tickets so this weekend my mom and dad arent going to be home so i get to go to my friends houses ALL weekend! Well i am goin go watch my recordings! BYE!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tastie Tuesday!!:)


These are Mini Pancakes!! I had them with my friend Judiann!! Which she also has a blog!! Its at please go visit it!! Its amazing!!! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!:)

Hey guys!! this is my Tastie Tuesday!! I finally got the time to do this, I thinks it's been quite awhile since I've done it!! Well as you can see my Tastie Tuesday is TACOS!! Probably since its taco Tuesday!! HEHEHEHE!! Well see you on turkey day!! Have fun eating tacos!!Hahahaha

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Almost There!!!

Doesnt he look yummy!! hehe!!:)
Hey guys!! We are almost there!! I am so excited!!Well you are probably wondering what i am talking about, well i am talking about Thanksgiving!!As i said i am sooo excited because i get to eat and be with my family!!Well got to go Talk to you later!! I hope you guys have a great turkey day!!

Monday, November 7, 2011











       Hey guys!! What do you think about these pictures!!:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!:)

Hey guys!! I finally got to post!!! Now for my next Tastie Tuesday! Can you guess what it is?? Well you think its a pizza but a its a tiny type of pizza.?.?.? Its a pizza bagel! YUMMY!! its a fun little snack that you can eat quick or just for a party! Have fun and next time I will show my BIRTHDAY presents and somthing else, that will stay a mystery!