Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Hey guys!!! Sorry its taken me soooo long to blog but i just wanted to remind you of somthing that is comming up next Wednesday...can you guess what that might be??????? It will be my BIRTHDAY!!! i will be turning the big 12!!! I am soo excited to celeibrate it with my friends and famliy!! Exspeacially my sister hannah who is comming home this weekend from Mizzou!! Go MU Tigers!! the picture is to show that i would love something that involes with a giraffe.HINT HINT mom dad... will got to go hang with my friend judi who also has a blog which is awesome!!! you can get to it by go to YOU judi!!! :) hope to see you soon!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! I have your birthday present downstairs!:) Don't go look!
