Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!:)

Hey guys!! this is my Tastie Tuesday!! I finally got the time to do this, I thinks it's been quite awhile since I've done it!! Well as you can see my Tastie Tuesday is TACOS!! Probably since its taco Tuesday!! HEHEHEHE!! Well see you on turkey day!! Have fun eating tacos!!Hahahaha

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Almost There!!!

Doesnt he look yummy!! hehe!!:)
Hey guys!! We are almost there!! I am so excited!!Well you are probably wondering what i am talking about, well i am talking about Thanksgiving!!As i said i am sooo excited because i get to eat and be with my family!!Well got to go Talk to you later!! I hope you guys have a great turkey day!!

Monday, November 7, 2011











       Hey guys!! What do you think about these pictures!!:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!:)

Hey guys!! I finally got to post!!! Now for my next Tastie Tuesday! Can you guess what it is?? Well you think its a pizza but a its a tiny type of pizza.?.?.? Its a pizza bagel! YUMMY!! its a fun little snack that you can eat quick or just for a party! Have fun and next time I will show my BIRTHDAY presents and somthing else, that will stay a mystery!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Hey guys!!! Sorry its taken me soooo long to blog but i just wanted to remind you of somthing that is comming up next Wednesday...can you guess what that might be??????? It will be my BIRTHDAY!!! i will be turning the big 12!!! I am soo excited to celeibrate it with my friends and famliy!! Exspeacially my sister hannah who is comming home this weekend from Mizzou!! Go MU Tigers!! the picture is to show that i would love something that involes with a giraffe.HINT HINT mom dad... will got to go hang with my friend judi who also has a blog which is awesome!!! you can get to it by go to judannm.blogspot.com.LOVE YOU judi!!! :) hope to see you soon!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sorry Guys!! Sorry I havent been posting a lot but next Tuesday I will get back on track with my Tastie Tuesday! So tune in next week and something delicous will pop up on your screen! See you next time!!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!!

Hey guys! Heres my Tastie Tuesday! This is called Grango Dip and it is delious! You can find it at Fifty Fourth Street! Take this in to conceration and go eat it I mean it!! have fun eat Grango dip!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friends Forever!!

My Relay Team!
Starting with me theres Sarah, Emma, Elliana

Heres us being silly!! :0

Well as you can see this is my relay team! This is right after we won Second place in the small devsion at the Northland Confrence! Our Relay got Fifth in the Freestyle Relay and Fourth in the Medley Relay! For the Medley Relay we swim all the strokes which are fly, back, breast, and free. For the Relay we swim in this order Elliana swimming back Me swimming breast Emma swimming fly and Sarah swimming free! In the Freestyle Relay we swim just the free, but this time we swam this relay in a different order. First it was Me then it was Sarah next Emma swam and our fastest swimmer was Elliana and she swam last. After we got donethe whole swim team went to Stone Canyon to have pizza! That is where we took these pictures! I hope you like these pictures! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tastie Tuesday!!


Today can you geuss what I had as my first Tastie Tuesday!?!?!?! Well if you geuss a Blueberry Bagel with Cream Cheese you got it right.!! This is one of my favorite foods to eat at breakfast when I am not that hungry and when I want something small.This Tastie Tuesday is very heathy and you can eat on the go like to go to practice of any sort or to school or even going to work! I hope you enjoy this heathy Tastie Tuesday because I enjoyed eating it!! Tune in to my next Tastie Tuesday next Tuesday! Bye For now!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things!

These are my sisters Chloe (left) and Hannah (right)

          Well to start out my blog I would like to tell you my favorite things!

                                 My Favorite Color is YELLOW
                                 My Favorite Food are Tacos  
                               My Favorite Movie is Finding Nemo
                                My Favorite Book is Stolen Children
                                My Favorite Flower is a Gerber Dasiy
                                My Favorite Candy is Reeses 
                           My Favorite Thing to do with my family is 
                                     Watch movies with them

         I would love to see if you have anything in common with me if you do comment on this post! And tomorrow will be starting a segment called Tastie Tuesday.. So tune back tomorrow to see what it is all about!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hey!! I am Sophia and I will post offten and read you comments offten too! I hope you have a Great time looking through my blog!!